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HomeCrypto ExchangeCrypto Exchange Luno Exits Singapore Market, why

Crypto Exchange Luno Exits Singapore Market, why

Crypto Exchange Luno The crypto industry has been constantly evolving, with various exchanges emerging to meet the growing demand for digital currencies. Luno was one of the leading crypto exchanges, catering to millions of users worldwide. However, in 2021, Luno announced its decision to exit the Singapore market, raising many questions among its customers and investors. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Luno’s exit from Singapore, and its potential impact on the crypto industry.

Introduction: Luno and the Singapore Market

Luno is a crypto exchange founded in 2013 that offers a platform for buying, selling, and storing various cryptocurrencies. With over 7 million users across 40 countries, Luno has established itself as one of the leading players in the crypto industry. In Singapore, Luno was one of the few exchanges that were granted a license by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in 2019, allowing it to operate legally in the country.

The Reasons Behind Luno’s Exit from Singapore

Regulatory Challenges

Despite being granted a license to operate in Singapore, Luno has faced several regulatory challenges over the years. In January 2021, MAS updated its Payment Services Act, requiring all crypto exchanges to obtain an operating license. However, this new requirement did not apply to exchanges that were already operating in Singapore under the exemption framework. Luno was one of the exchanges that fell under this category, and as such, it was not required to obtain a license.

However, Luno’s exemption was only valid until July 2021, after which it would have to apply for an operating license. It is believed that Luno’s decision to exit the Singapore market was due to the challenges and costs associated with obtaining the operating license.

Increasing Competition

Another reason behind Luno’s exit from Singapore is the increasing competition in the crypto industry. With the rise of new exchanges and trading platforms, Luno has faced intense competition in the Singapore market. Crypto Exchange Luno  This has led to a decline in its market share, making it more challenging for Luno to maintain its operations in the country.

Cost Cutting Measures

In addition to regulatory challenges and increasing competition, Luno may have also exited the Singapore market due to cost-cutting measures. In Addition, As a crypto exchange, Luno incurs various costs, including regulatory compliance costs, marketing costs, and operational costs. Exiting the Singapore market may have been a strategic move to reduce its operational costs and focus on other markets where it has a stronger presence.

The Impact of Luno’s Exit on the Crypto Industry

Firstly, it highlights the challenges faced by crypto exchanges in navigating the regulatory landscape. As the crypto industry continues to mature, more exchanges will need to comply with regulatory requirements, leading to increased costs and challenges.

Secondly, Luno’s exit may lead to a consolidation of the crypto market in Singapore. With fewer exchanges operating in the country, customers may have limited options, leading to a potential decline in trading volumes. In Addition, This may impact the liquidity of various cryptocurrencies, leading to increased volatility in the market.


Luno’s exit from the Singapore market has raised many questions about the future of the crypto industry. While regulatory challenges, increasing competition, and cost-cutting measures. May have contributed to Luno’s decision, it also highlights the challenges that crypto exchanges face in operating in a rapidly evolving industry. Going forward, the crypto industry will need to address these challenges to ensure its continued growth and development.



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