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HomeCrypto ExchangeNine Best Learn and Earn Cryptocurrency Programs for 2024

Nine Best Learn and Earn Cryptocurrency Programs for 2024

tNine Best Learn and Earn Cryptocurrency Programs for 2024. Cryptocurrencies have become a popular term that has fascinated people all around the globe due to the dynamic nature of digital banking. Cryptocurrencies have recently grown in prominence as an alternative to fiat currencies worldwide, thanks to developments such as blockchain technology, decentralized financing (DeFi), and stringent security protocols. One factor contributing to the asset class’s increasing appeal is the introduction of cryptocurrency rewards.

The abundance of technical terms and jargon can frighten those just getting their feet wet in the Bitcoin realm. However, “Learn and Earn” programs appear on numerous platforms and exchanges, aiming to educate new and old users about the dynamic web3 environment. Along with educating consumers, these projects also allow users to earn cryptocurrency as a reward.

Cryptocurrency “Learn and Earn” programs do exactly what the name says: they provide educational opportunities and income incentives. Focusing on the unique aspect of earning cryptocurrency rewards, this article will thoroughly investigate these programs, showcasing top choices across several platforms.

What are Learn and Earn Crypto Programs?

Crypto exchanges that want to engage and educate their customers have been the first to launch “Learn and Earn” crypto programs, which have since gained popularity.

This ingenious tactic simultaneously accomplishes two goals: introducing people to new cryptocurrencies and inspiring them to participate in the platform’s activities. Kraken Learn, CoinMarketCap Earn, and Gemini Earn are just a few of the blockchain initiatives and exchanges that have introduced their own Earn programs after Coinbase Earn.

For those interested in crypto who want to earn money while learning the ropes, here are sixteen well-known “Learn and Earn” programs to look into. Each one offers a different set of crypto prizes.

1. Coinbase Learn and Earn

Coinbase Learn and Earn

Since its introduction in 2018, Coinbase’s “Coinbase Earn” program has promoted crypto education, and the company has become a prominent player in the cryptocurrency exchange business. Various instructional resources, mostly in video format and cryptocurrency incentives, set this project apart. It has been an enormous success, rewarding consumers worldwide with over $100 million in cryptocurrency.

Over a hundred nations can access Coinbase Earn, including the US, UK, Canada, Singapore, AU, NZ, S. Korea, and Taiwan. Consistently, the platform strives to broaden its audience. An assortment of cryptocurrencies is up for grabs when users complete quizzes inside the program’s user-friendly interface, which promotes engagement with a wide range of cryptocurrency-related subjects. Users can immediately access their rewards in their Coinbase accounts, where they can choose to retain, trade, or withdraw them. Earn $3–$5 in GRT, AMP, SHPING, NEAR, and ACS for each quiz.

2. Phemex Learn and Earn

The Learn and Earn initiative at Phemex is not unique among platforms but is incredibly innovative. Participants no longer receive cryptocurrency as rewards for the video lectures and quizzes; instead, they receive trading bonuses or credits to their Phemex accounts. Customers can choose how to spend their incentives when they go this route.

Among the topics covered in this comprehensive course are the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency as opposed to fiat currency, how to buy and transmit cryptocurrency via Phemex, and the characteristics of crypto derivatives like everlasting contracts. Once users earn USD, they can deposit the cash into their Phemex accounts and use it to invest in their chosen cryptocurrencies. Those new to the cryptocurrency market should walk away from Phemex’s Learn & Earn program with a solid foundation in the basics and access to free bonuses that they may use as trading capital.

3. CoinMarketCap Earn and Learn

Earn and Learn was introduced in November 2020 by CoinMarketCap, a prominent cryptocurrency tracking website. The program collaborates with established and up-and-coming projects to help users learn about blockchain technology and other cryptocurrencies. Participants who watch the videos and take the quizzes will earn cryptocurrency in the lesson’s covered token.

One of the most all-encompassing Learn and Earn programs in the cryptocurrency sector, CoinMarketCap Earn stands out due to its wide variety of quizzes.

4. Robinhood Crypto Learn and Earn

Popular trading platform Robinhood has added a Crypto Learn and Earn program to its list of services. In December 2022, the program was launched in collaboration with Avalanche. It aims to teach users about the differences between Avalanche and other blockchains while offering the chance to earn $AVAX as a cryptocurrency incentive.

Participants earn tokens by completing classes and passing quizzes that pertain to particular protocols or tokens. The program’s courses and cryptocurrency prizes are subject to change regularly.

5. Bitdegree Learn & Earn Crypto Rewards

Bitdegree Learn & Earn Crypto Rewards

It is unlike any other Learn and Earn platform because it focuses solely on educating blockchain technology and Bitcoin. As a cryptocurrency incentive for finishing Web3-related courses, BitDegree and Unstoppable Domains launched the “Learn Drops” initiative in 2022, which offered NFT domains valued at up to $50 million.

The FIO Protocol, PrimeXBT, KyberSwap, and other related subjects are covered in the given courses. For example, after finishing specific modules at BitDegree, you can save 10% on Ledger hardware wallets, which are great for cryptocurrencies.

6. Bake, Learn, and Earn

In the DeFi space, Bake (formerly Cake DeFi) provides a novel way to learn and earn cryptocurrency incentives. Modules for DFI, DFI-BTC, and DFI-ETH are available on the platform. Users must wait one month for crypto incentives to gain yield before they can be accessed. This method emphasizes the significance of cryptocurrency holdings and staking.

To receive crypto prizes, participants must first complete KYC verification. After one month, the awards are put in a “freezer” and given out again.

7. CoinGecko Learn and Earn

Users can earn incentives for watching movies and completing quizzes, termed “missions,” through CoinGecko’s Learn and Earn program. Some examples of crypto rewards are KNC and other cryptocurrencies.

“Best Crypto Security Practices,” “What is KyberSwap?” and “What is NYM?” are just a few of the many courses available through CoinGecko’s program.

8. Binance Learn and Earn

Among the many educational offerings from the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, Binance Earn covers everything from the ins and outs of the Binance platform to advanced cryptocurrency and blockchain theory. An element of competition is added to the learning experience by rewarding crypto on a first-come, first-served basis.

9. Revolut Learn and Earn

The popular financial software Revolut debuted its Learn and Earn features in 2022. Simple to use and included right into the Revolut app, the program’s primary goal is to inform investors about the cryptocurrency market. In the past, initiatives like DOT, 1INCH, ALGO, NEAR, and AVAX directly credited coin incentives.

What are Crypto Learn and Earn Programs?

An innovative and approachable way for anyone to connect with the cryptocurrency industry is through Crypto Learn and Earn initiatives. Participants can receive cryptocurrency rewards with minimal effort through these instructional activities. Usually, it starts with a short video explaining how a particular Bitcoin concept works and ends with a quiz.

Crypto exchanges and the top crypto projects frequently team up to create these kinds of programs. Exchanges like Phemex facilitate this arrangement by rewarding users for free, while Bitcoin initiatives benefit from increased visibility and user base.

Pros and Cons of Crypto Learn and Earn Programs

Users must know the benefits and downsides of Crypto Learn and Earn programs to make educated choices.


  • Free Crypto: Earning cryptocurrency for free is a significant draw to these programs for many people.
  • Low Effort: You won’t need much time or energy to complete the modules because they are simple. You can usually get the solutions to the tests on the internet.
  • Introduction to Crypto: Because they provide an easy-to-understand introduction to the cryptocurrency ecosystem and an opportunity to hear about new initiatives, these events are significant for people just starting in the field.


  • Small Rewards: The rewards offered are usually modest.
  • Lesser-Known Cryptocurrencies: Most programs don’t support significant cryptocurrencies like Ethereum (ETH) or Bitcoin (BTC). They opt to concentrate on less common coins instead.

How to Avoid Learn and Earn Crypto Scams

Deceptive practices and scams abound in the cryptocurrency industry. Some ways to be safe from falling for these frauds are:

  • Use Reputable Platforms: Use a reputable and secure platform like Phemex for your Learn and Earn programs.
  • Be Cautious of Unrealistic Rewards: Be wary of programs that make unrealistically high payout claims. Such claims may be indicative of deception.
  • Read Third-Party Reviews: Read reviews on Reddit and Trustpilot before signing up for any program.

Final Thoughts

If you want to learn about new tokens while making extra money, look no further than crypto learning and earning programs. It would be best if you didn’t count on them as a reliable source of income, either, because they aren’t substantial investment opportunities. The main objective is to spread awareness and understanding of cryptocurrencies; the token prizes are just a bonus. Anyone serious about learning more about crypto will benefit most from these endeavors.



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