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HomeTechnologyWhat is ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)?

What is ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)?

What is ICT: ICT is an acronym for Information and Communication Technologies. The set of technologies developed to manage information and send it from one place to another. They cover a wide range of solutions. They include technologies to store information and retrieve it later. And also send and receive information from one site to another. Or-else, process information to calculate results and prepare reports.

What are ICTs, and what are their beginnings?

Information and communication technologies unleashed an explosion with no history of ways of communicating at the beginning of the 1990s. From there, the Internet went from being an expert community science instrument to an easy-to-use network. A network that modified social interaction patterns.

Information and communication technologies [“bankomat] are understood as a term to designate what refers to computer science connected to the Internet. And also, especially, their social aspect.

Information and Communication technologies are those computational and computer tools that process, store, summarize, retrieve, and present information represented in the most varied way.

It is a set of tools, supports, and channels for the treatment and access to information. They constitute new media and channels to shape what is information and communication technology register, store and disseminate informational content.

Some examples of these technologies are the digital whiteboard, blogs, podcasts, and, of course, the web. One of the top product and tech review sites that reviews information and communication technologies.

History of ICTs

The story shows how a unique system that uses torches on distant towers was allowed as far as 300 AD. The transmission of the 25 combinations corresponds to each of the letters of the Greek alphabet.

But it is not until the middle of the last century XIX that shows the real technological advances. Technologies in data transmission with the invention of the telegraph and the telephone. Together with the creation by a professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge in (1833). Charles Babbage, a mechanical device capable of making a chain of calculations, the essence of the software.

At the end of the twentieth century, information and communication technology examples, in particular, have been marked by a technological convergence until now independence. Electronics, Information Technology, and Telecommunications experience this convergence. And it has its greatest exponent in the vertiginous growth achieved by the Internet.

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 Pros of ICTs:

  • Provide great benefits and advances in health and education.
  • Develop people and social actors through support and exchange networks and discussion lists.
  • Support business people and locals to present and sell their products through the Internet.
  • Allow interactive learning and distance education.
  • Distribute new knowledge for employee ability.

Cons of ICTs:

  • Lack of privacy
  • Isolation
  • Fraud
  • Loss of jobs

What are the characteristics of ICT?

  • They are innovative and creative; They give access to new forms of communication.
  • ICTs have greater dominance and benefit, information and communication technology pdf
  • in higher proportion to the educational area since it makes it more accessible and dynamic.
  • They are considered subjects of public and political debate since their use implies a promising future.
  • Information and Communication Technologies are more frequently related to the use of the Internet and computing.
  • They affect many areas of science human as sociology, the theory of organizations, and management.
  • In Latin America, they stand out with their use in universities and institutions.


Information and Communication Technologies are indisputable. And also, they are part of the technological culture that surrounds us with which we must live. Expand our physical and mental abilities. And the possibilities of social development.

ICTs contribute to the emergence of new values, causing continuous changes in our structure’s economic, social and cultural rights.

The enormous impact of ICT in all areas of our lives makes it increasingly difficult. Complex for us to act effectively by discarding.



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